• Admitted start-ups
  • Incubation program is for one year. But, the contract can be renewed subject to progress and/or maturity of the innovation, strength and needs of both the enterprise and team as well as adherence to incubation terms and conditions.
  • Obligations of incubated companies
  • Teachable founders/directors – RSTP staff, advisors and mentors give information and advice.
  • Disclose financial, personnel, compliance, legal, strategic and intellectual property rights to RSTP for assessment of enterprise development and compliance.
  1. Low overheads – shared and subsidized facilities and services enables start-ups to direct resources to the development of their products or services and businesses.
  2. Acquisition of technical and business know-how – founders and teams learn fast and avoid mistakes that can lead to product and business failure.
  3. Legitimacy – associating with and being promoted by the RSTP can facilitate market access. Legitimacy can also attract financiers and collaborators.
    Download Application Form at, complete and email it to RSTP.

    • Phase 1 – Screening

    Applications are assessed for completeness, relevance, innovation/originality and whether the incubator can make a difference to the solution, team and enterprise.

    • Phase 2 – Shortlisting

    Applications are assessed for coherence, technical feasibility and preparedness for pitching.

    • Phase 3 – Selection

    Pitching & evaluation by an independent Selection Committee. The Committee makes a recommendation to RSTP on whether an applicant can be admitted into the incubator or not.

    1. Relevance

    A demonstration that the proposed solution addresses a real and significant challenge in any of the priority sectors. The innovation-led enterprise (start-up) must be founded by Swati nationals and can have a turnover ranging from E0 – E20 million.

    1. Innovation/originality & intellectual property

    A demonstration that the proposed solution is new or an improvement of an existing solution.

    1. Founder(s) or team strength

    Evidence that founders have skills to develop the product or service and have a long-term vision for the business, a strong work ethic, are teachable and willing to acquire technical and business know.

    1. Prototype or proof of concept

    The solution should be between Technology Readiness Levels (TRL) 2 to 9. TRL 2 represents an idea that is supported with adequate technical research and a feasible methodology that will lead to an experimental proof of concept. TRL 9 represents a ‘qualified’ or ‘certified’ technology.

    1. Proof of market attractiveness and product opportunity (market research)

    A clear description of the market characteristics and customers and research that confirms that the product or service will fill a gap and evidence of understanding of competitor positions, advantages, disadvantages and potential response of competitors to the proposed product or service.

    1. Commercialization and financial evaluation

    Clear revenue streams, price model, and a viable business model.